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  • ( shortcut o ) 1:47 pm on March 15, 2015 Permalink |




    頭條日報頭條日報 15 小時前













  • ( shortcut o ) 3:41 pm on March 11, 2015 Permalink |
    Tags: 前海, 新界, 新界北,   



    now 新聞-10 小時前
    【now新聞台】前海管理局預期,年底前可落實在前海興建港貨中心。前海管理局香港事務首席聯絡官洪為民表示,將於前海興建專門出售香港貨品, …
    香港經濟日報 (需訂閲)-
    1. 深圳市委書記 王榮 支持 前海設港貨購銷中心

      雅虎香港-8 小時前
      深圳市委書記王榮在北京表示,支持在前海設立港貨購銷中心,指深圳及香港正考慮相關建議,認為可以促進香港同深圳的經貿合作,亦可以解決 …

    【早晨八達通】洪為民:「前海 速度設「港貨中心」年底落成

    DBC數碼電台 – ‎8 hours ago‎
    【早晨八達通】前海管理局香港事務首席聯絡官洪為民出席本台節目《早晨八達通》訪問時表示,鑑於近日水貨客問題越趨嚴重,亦考慮到香港承受能力,前海計劃在邊緣地帶設立「港貨中心」,預期年底建成,會引入內地人有興趣的零售品牌,形式類似展銷廳,並有交通 …


    經濟通 – ‎Mar 10, 2015‎
    《經濟通通訊社10日專訊》前海管理局香港事務首席聯絡官洪為民在傳媒午宴上表示,前海正計劃設「港貨購銷中心」,正邀請香港地產商投標,期望年底落成,希望助解決本港水貨客問題。 洪氏指,希望港貨購銷中心所賣產品與內地居民日常消費品相關,例如奶粉等,並 …
  • ( shortcut o ) 7:10 am on March 11, 2015 Permalink |
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    `环保’ 大道 



    都市日報 14 小時前
    ▲大量垃圾車進出環保大道,令地面滿是泥濘。(黃建通攝)© 由 都市日報 提供 
    ▲大量 垃圾車 進出環保大道,令地面滿是泥濘。將軍澳環保大道是出入將軍澳堆填區唯一道路。


    去年進入將軍澳堆填區的廢物收集車輛每日平均達860架次。方國珊表示,部分垃圾車超載及超速的情況嚴重,不有 大型垃圾 丟落路面,除污染環境外,亦影響其他道路使用者的駕車安全。

    ▲環保大道不時滿布大型垃圾。(黃建通攝)© 由 都市日報 提供 

    方國珊 舉例 說,上周六下午12時許接獲居民通知,指一輛泥頭車在環保大道傾瀉泥頭,日出康城 對出近100公尺的整段路被泥漿覆蓋。有 電單車 駛過時更因此而 跣胎,險生意外。警方接報到場,封了其中一條行車線讓食環署清潔工人清洗。


    ▲有泥頭車上周在環保大道漏出大量泥漿。© 由 都市日報 提供 ▲有泥頭車上周在環保大道漏出大量泥漿。


    環保大道經常常常出現泥頭車及垃圾車 超速&&& &&&超載。

    方國珊::上月初 亦 發生同樣的事件,位置在 清水灣半島 對出的環保大道。方表示,早前曾要求環保署及警方在環保大道加設閉路電視,以打擊重型車輛的非法行為,但,部門「闊佬懶理」。

    • ( shortcut o ) 7:45 am on March 11, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      >>> 清水灣半島 對出的環保大道。
      将军澳`豪宅':: 清水灣半島.ETC

  • ( shortcut o ) 3:28 am on March 11, 2015 Permalink |
    Tags: , , 屯门,   


    三十四台日日噴 臭味依舊仍難啃 將軍澳堆填區狂噴香水


    都市日報 11 小時前 都市追蹤
    堆填區壽命最少延長多六年,臭味問題繼續困擾附近居民。環保署過去三年,在將軍澳堆填區添置10部氣味中和機,令總數增加至34部,實行大噴香水。不過,西貢區議員方國珊認為,相對將軍澳堆填區每日處理約4,600公噸垃圾量,有關中和機有如將「一滴香水噴落屎水」,效用不大,簡直是浪費公帑。噴士多啤梨味 最貴23萬一部

    ▲西貢區議員方國珊(右)及陳繼偉均認為,氣味中和機所起的作用有限︰「30幾部中和機點可以處理咁多臭味,依家就似『一滴香水噴落屎水』,幫唔得幾多。」(黃建通攝)© 由 都市日報 提供 ▲










    ▲環保署表示,過去兩年沒收到有關氣味中和機的投訴。(黃建通攝)© 由 都市日報 提供 ▲環保署表示,過去兩年沒收到有關氣味中和機的投訴。(黃建通攝)方國珊表示,每逢將軍澳吹東南風,在屋苑便聞到臭雞蛋的氣味,相當難忍受,居民經常要「關窗度日」。


    另一區議員,本身為 維景灣畔 業委會主席的陳繼偉亦認同,

    臭味仍相當 嚴重,


    就聞到類似::坑渠水, 臭淤泥 味。



    為改善臭味問題,環保署現時在將軍澳堆填區分別設置了14部「噴香水」的固定氣味中和機及20部流動氣味中和機,當中10部在過去3年添置。署方未有向本報提供總費用,只稱氣味中和機費用每部由4萬元至23萬元不等; 若以平均每部13.5萬元計,總費用需400多萬元。


    另 屯門堆填區


    ▲設於廢物傾卸區的流動氣味中和機。© 由 都市日報 提供 ▲設於廢物傾卸區的流動氣味中和機。▲清潔人員雖不時清洗堆填區附近街道,但仍滿布沙塵。(黃建通攝)© 由 都市日報 提供 ▲清潔人員雖不時清洗堆填區附近街道,但仍滿布沙塵。(黃建通攝)▲清潔人員雖不時清洗堆填區附近街道,但仍 滿布 沙塵

    英國生產 人畜無害




    新增10部 感覺像灑水







    將軍澳堆填區亦衍生「環保斗」在 附近 工業區 道路胡亂放置問題,方國珊表示,該區「環保斗」數目多達數十個,部分工人更在馬路即場分類垃圾,造成行人安全及交通阻塞等問題。環保署回應稱,環境局、發展局、運輸房屋局及其他相關決策局和部門正研究改善方法及措施,強化管理「環保斗」事宜。




    • ( shortcut o ) 7:47 am on March 11, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      将军澳`豪宅':: 維景灣畔.ETC

    • ( shortcut o ) 3:29 pm on March 11, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      >>> 堆填區約800米遠,首都
      >>> 每當吹東南風,我哋屋苑就中晒,
      >>> 就聞到類似::坑渠水,同 臭淤泥 味。
      >>> 每逢落雨後,臭味更加嚴重。

  • ( shortcut o ) 5:05 am on March 9, 2015 Permalink |


  • ( shortcut o ) 3:51 pm on March 6, 2015 Permalink |
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    Stocks Decline as Payrolls Report Fu铺els Rate Speculation – Bloomberg【MORE MAY B JUNE】

  • ( shortcut o ) 10:54 am on March 3, 2015 Permalink |
    Tags: , WOMEN RIGHTS   

    SAVE WOMEN !!!{NOW}!!! , FROM IS…


    A Thin Line of Defense Against Honor Killings//KILLING//KILLS//KILL

    The New York Times

    The New York Times
    By ALISSA J. RUBIN16 hrs ago


    Rika, whose stepmother poured acid on her face when she was a girl, in her room in the Women for Afghan Women shelter in Kabul.© Lynsey Addario for The New York Times Rika, whose stepmother poured acid on her face when she was a girl, in her room in the Women for Afghan Women shelter in Kabul.Women for Afghan Women KABUL, Afghanistan — Faheema stood trembling in the courtyard of the large house, steeling herself for the meeting with her family.

    She took a deep breath and ran inside, her black abaya swirling around her, and fell to the floor at her uncle’s feet, hugging his knees, her face pressed against him, her shoulders heaving.

    The reproaches came immediately. “How could you do this?” her uncle said. “You were always so sweet to everyone. How could you have done this?”

    What Faheema, 21, had done was to run away from her home in eastern Afghanistan with the man she loved. She left behind her large family and the man that her family had promised her to.


    Although her uncle’s words at first seemed kind, his tone had a dangerous edge: Faheema had to come home. … … For a young woman from an Afghan village to go home after running away with a man is tantamount to crossing a busy street blindfolded : There is a strong likelihood that she will be killed for bringing shame on her family. 100.000 % ^MUST B KILLED 

    Faheema, who like many Afghans uses a single name, was one of the lucky ones: She had made it to an emergency women’s shelter, one of about 20 that over the last 10 years have protected several thousand women across Afghanistan from abuse or death at the hands of their relatives. {TOO} MANY A TIME IS HER OWN … FATHER / BROTHER / etc

    These shelters, almost entirely funded by Western donors, are one of the most successful — &&& , &&& (HENCE) provocation’al — legacies of the Western presence in Afghanistan, demonstrating that women need protection from their families and can make their own choices. And allowing women to decide for themselves raises the prospect that men might not control the order of things, as they have for centuries. This is a revolutionary idea in Afghanistan — every bit as alien as Western democracy and far more transgressive.

    As the shelters have grown, so has the opposition o powerful conservative `men’ who see them as Western assaults on Afghan culture.


    “Here, if someone tries to leave the family, she is breaking the order of the family and it’s against Islamic laws and it’s considered a disgrace,” said Habibullah Hasham, the imam of the Nabi mosque in western Kabul and a member of a group of influential senior clerics.


    “What she has done is rebelling.”

    The opposition comes not only from conservative imams, but also from within t’ Afghan government itself. Lawmakers came very close in 2011 to barring the shelters altogether and in 2013 nearly gutted a law barring violence against women.


    They yielded only after last-minute pressure from the European Union and the United States.

    Now, as the Western presence in Afghanistan dwindles, this clash between Western and Afghan ideas of the place of women means many of the gains women made after the 2001 invasion are at risk.

    Although the Taliban’s harsh restrictions on women alienated many Afghans and helped rally foreign support for the war, the idea that women must submit to men remains widely held.

    “A lot has changed since 2001, but most people still have conservative, traditional views of women,” said Manizha Naderi, who runs Women for Afghan Women, which operates shelters or other programs in 13 provinces.

    That makes the fragile network of safe houses and the women who staff them even more vulnerable to restrictive legislation and attacks by local strongmen. The shelters, like so much of the Western project to coax change in Afghanistan, are emblems of a society in transition.

    Gul Meena, 16, survived a brutal attack by her brother after she fled an older husband, who had beaten her, and ran away with another man.© Lynsey Addario for The New York Times Gul Meena, 16, survived a brutal attack by her brother after she fled a older husband, who had }}}ALLWAYS//ALWAYS{{{ beaten her, and ran away with another man.

    brutal attack by her brother after she fled a older
    husband , who had }}}ALLWAYS//ALWAYS{{{ beaten her,

    While the shelters have brought freedom to many women, others are stranded, safe for a time from their families but unable to leave because neither their families nor society accepts them.Ms. Naderi estimates that about 15 percent of the women in her shelters cannot leave — ever. For these abused women, the longer they live suspended between two worlds, the less the shelter comes to feel like a haven and the more like a jail.

    A Frightening Example

    Above all, Faheema wanted to avoid the fate of Amina, an 18-year-old who ran away from her family in rural Baghlan Province in the summer of 2013 and whose case became widely known. She fled when her family told her she would be marrying an older man.

    Amina made it to the provincial capital and was picked up by the Afghan Intelligence Service. Unlike many runaways, who are seen as fallen women and are prey to being molested by the police, she was not abused. Instead, she was brought to the women’s ministry office, which exists in every provincial capital in Afghanistan.

    The women’s ministry sent her to the only shelter in the province. But after one or two nights, her family arrived. They promised not to harm Amina if she returned home with them, repeating that pledge on a videotape after meeting with the head of the provincial women’s ministry office, Khadija Yaqeen. The girl then climbed into a taxi with her family.

    Amina never made it home. Nine men accosted the vehicle on a deserted stretch of road not far from her home, pulled her out and shot her, according to her family. No one else was harmed, they later told the ministry.

    Women’s advocates and the police doubted the story. Why would armed men take just one young girl out of a car and shoot her? Why wouldn’t the family call for revenge?

    The answer pointed to something far more sinister than a random holdup. In much of Afghanistan, a runaway is a tainted woman, who cannot be married off.

    “This is the perception: Once she leaves the family, she’s in the hands of others, and they can do whatever they want with her — sexually abuse her — because she has left the family circle,” said Mr. Hasham, the imam in Kabul.


    By tribal custom, which is particularly strong in rural areas, an honor killing is the only way to eradicate the shame.


    The Baghlan provincial police chief, Amer Khail, believes Amina’s brother was involved in her killing, but said there were conflicting reports.

    The women’s ministry office did not press for arrests. Amina’s short life and death drifted into sketchier and sketchier memory, with everyone involved claiming they had done the right thing.

    Ms. Yaqeen of the women’s ministry said she had to let Amina go because she asked to leave with her family.

    “Nobody had beaten her,” she said, “so I had no excuse to keep her.”

    Rika, whose stepmother poured acid on her face when she was a girl, in her room in the Women for Afghan Women shelter in Kabul.© Lynsey Addario for The New York Times Rika, whose stepmother poured acid on her face when she was a girl, in her room in the Women for Afghan Women shelter in Kabul.Ms. Yaqeen admits she was called by a member of the provincial council. She said the council member did no more than urge her to talk to the family, who had come to the provincial capital to get their daughter back. Provincial council members tend to be deferential to the desires of powerful local families, who would be eager to cleanse the family honor.

    But Ms. Yaqeen said Amina made the choice herself.

    It seems likely that a young girl, frightened and among strangers and faced by her angry family, would try to appease them because she could hardly believe that her family would be willing to kill her.

    Women’s advocates in Baghlan have little question that this was an honor killing. “She should have been kept in the shelter for much longer,” said Homaira Mohammedi, the acting head of the Baghlan shelter at the time, who says that she was away the weekend that Amina came in.

    “We did everything according to the rules and regulations,” Ms. Yaqeen insisted. “This is a problem of the society.”

    A Family Confrontation

    Faheema was sure that her family would not spare her if she left the shelter and went home.

    “I had a problem with my father,” she said.

    “He engaged me to my uncle’s son, and I wasn’t happy to marry him, so I married another man.”

    Her father told her he had bought a gun.

    “‘Wherever I see you both, I will kill you,’”

    he said before she ran away.

    The desperation of her family to have her come home suggested that her view was correct.


    They were willing to agree to almost anything to pry her away from the safety of the shelter. 【【【ONCE LEAVING T’ SHELTER , … THEN SHE’D B “` TAKE AWAY FOR A RIDE “”” @ ONCE 】】】


    A younger girl, or a weaker one, might have given in.


    But one of the most striking characteristics of many of the women who make it to a shelter is that, like Faheema, they have a sad but cleareyed understanding that they are in danger from their own families.This is often the first step toward being able to save themselves.

    Unlike the Baghlan women’s ministry, where Amina had just one meeting with her family before she was given back to them,

    Women for Afghan Women requires repeated sessions between the young woman, her family and a mediator before she can go home . .  .. The average number of meetings is about eight, said Nuria Kohistan, who mediated Faheema’s case.


    If the staff 《Women for Afghan Women 》is not satisfied that the young woman will be safe, they will(JUST)keep her as long as necessary. <<< I’D N’EVER B SATISFIED , … BC – IS…>>>

    Faheema, 21, wept in a temporary holding area at the Women for Afghan Women shelter in Kabul after a confrontational mediation session with her family.© Lynsey Addario for The New York Times Faheema, 21, wept in a temporary holding area at the Women for Afghan Women shelter in Kabul after a confrontational mediation session with her family.Faheema’s third session with her family was a few days after the first and involved her mother, a younger sister, a younger brother and the brother of her spurned fiancé, who had been at the previous meeting.

    The 45-minute session was filled with tears and screaming and bordered on physical violence — several times Faheema’s mother grabbed her daughter’s arm and held it in an iron grip as if to drag her from the mediation room, through the door and out the gate. A tall, thin woman with a frightening strength, she seemed to hold Faheema in her sway far more than the men in the family.

    As if to protect herself, Faheema entered the room with a veil covering her whole face.

    First her mother said to the mediator: “My daughter wants to go with us. Her father is now in the hospital.”

    She turned to Faheema and said, “We will get you divorced from that guy,” referring to the man Faheema ran away with. Her fiancé’s brother and her mother said they would support her marrying someone else.

    Ms. Kohistani, the mediator, said in an aside,

    They’r『ALLWAYS ALWAYS』saying these thing

    , … but

    , … as soon as they get custody o her

    , … then they do her HONOUR KILLING\s/.”

    Heaping on the guilt and reminding Faheema of her shame, her mother said, “We have two houses in Ghazni, but we will sell them, because we can’t live in Ghazni anymore.”

    The mediator pleaded: “Please talk about this in a way that this problem could be solved.”

    Faheema put her head in her hands. Her 3-year-old brother knelt on the floor with his head under his mother’s long skirt as if he were trying to block out the sound of the warring grown-ups.

    As it became clear that the shelter was not going to turn Faheema over to her family, her mother tried offering the mediator a bribe. “Please help us, and we will give you a gift,” she said, her voice pleading, tears in her eyes. Then she turned, almost spitting, to Faheema.

    “You know your father, you know the character of your father,” she said. Gripping Faheema, she dragged her up from the chair. “He will kill me. You can come to my grave tomorrow.”

    Finally, Faheema summoned her courage. “Why don’t you understand?” she said. “I already got married.”

    And then she appeared to resign herself to the future. “This thing I did, I did. I cannot go with you, even if I lose everyone in my family,” she said and added, half speaking to them and half to the mediator, “I cannot go back home, because they will kill me.”

    She pried her arm away from her mother’s grip and ran into the main building’s basement rooms. There, her mother could not reach her — she was kept out, and Faheema locked in, by a heavy metal gate. Her shoulders heaving, Faheema sank to her knees and wept hopelessly.

    Never Going Home

    The women in the long-term shelter try to cheat sleep by huddling together in the dark, their voices a way to ward off nightmares. The torments they endured at the hands of their families are written on their bodies. Knife scars traverse their faces and necks. Beatings with chains mark their backs. Some limp from broken bones that were never properly set. Several have faces eroded by acid, a favorite weapon here.

    Daily life is an endless effort to escape the haunted precincts of memory; images of pummeling hands, the thumping sound of wood hitting their legs, of their bodies falling to the floor, the taste of blood in their mouths.

    There are 26 women in the long-term shelter run by Women for Afghan Women in Kabul. If Faheema’s family continued its threats, this shelter would become her home.

    That these women are still standing, and that some are trying to piece together complete lives, is a cause for wonder and a testament to their strength. In the safety of the halfway house, the women offer a glimpse into the worlds they have fled: muddy courtyards strung with laundry; screaming children and squawking chickens; cramped rooms for women and often not enough food.


    Women in Afghanistan are …::

    the last to eat,

    the last to bed ,

    the first to rise.

    As the shelters have grown, so has the opposition of powerful conservative men who see them as Western assaults on Afghan culture.© Lynsey Addario for The New York Times As the shelters have grown, so has the opposition of powerful conservative men who see them as Western assaults on Afghan culture.Gul Meena, 16, survived a brutal attack by her brother after she fled an older husband, who had beaten her, and ran away with another man. She had been just 8 or 9 in her home in Kunar Province on the Pakistan border when a man in the next village offered money to her unemployed father for her.

    In her innocence, she was thrilled to be given a white dress and makeup for the wedding ceremony. “I was thinking, this is the future, my husband would be buying me new clothes every day,” she said. In the car on the bumpy ride to her new home she remembers addressing her new husband as “uncle.”

    “Uncle, please take care of me. I’m afraid I will fall,” she said as she bounced on his knee in the car.

    From the moment she arrived in his house, she was a servant. The only grace was that he was not allowed to have sex with her before she had her first period. Two years after they wed, the moment came and he forced himself on her. “I was like a thing and they sold me,” she said. “He was beating me with everything near to him. With his glasses, with his mobile phone, with wood, with stones, and with his hands.”

    Lonely and bewildered, she tried at least twice to return to her father’s house, but the family sent her back to her husband and finally she went to a neighbor’s home. The husband of the family ran away with her to Nangarhar Province in eastern Afghanistan.

    When her brother caught up with them, he slit the man’s throat and slashed Gul Meena 15 times with an ax, nearly blinding her and leaving her for dead. When she woke up in the hospital, she looked in the mirror. “I was very damaged,” she said. “Before, I was beautiful and young.”

    Although she does not see herself that way, she is still a stunning young woman. She has never gone to school but speaks with a simple eloquence. Now she fears that she is ugly and no one will marry her. “Men are always interested in the beauty of a woman,” she said. “They are never interested in the heart.”

    In the long-term shelter, most women feel a deep relief. No one is beaten. There is enough food. Chores are shared and, above all, there are choices: Some girls decide to go to school and try to make up for the years they were kept as virtual slaves. Others go to classes at beauty school in the hope of learning a skill that they will be able to use. One has a job as a house cleaner, and another is a skilled tailor and makes clothes while caring for her 6-year-old daughter.

    “We try to find a solution,” Ms. Naderi said, but she admitted there were few options in Afghanistan. It is exceedingly rare for a woman to live alone here, and so the staff tries to help women recreate families when their own have shunned them. “Sometimes we can find husbands,” she said. “We’ve married maybe 10 or 11, but it’s difficult.”

    Faheema broke down and cried at her uncle's feet during a mediation session at the shelter.© Lynsey Addario for The New York Times Faheema broke down and cried at her uncle’s feet during a mediation session at the shelter.While traditional attitudes remain deeply ingrained, women’s advocates do see changes. “Now women are finding a voice,” said Soraya Sobrang, a member of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission. “And also they want to have some rights and have some decision-making. If you want to marry my daughter, you have to ask me as well. The men think the women want to deprive them of rights. This touches their pride. And this creates violence in the family.”

    The battle between tradition and a fragile new sense of women’s rights continues. A government committee investigated the shelters after a television program accused them of forcing battered women into prostitution. The committee found that most of the shelters were well run.

    The committee members recognized that most of the women were at risk of beatings or death if the shelters were closed or their capacities diminished, but no one wanted to defend the shelters publicly. The outcome relieved the women who ran the shelters and Western aid organizations: The government would not close the safe houses but, at the same time, there was little public support for spending money from the Afghan budget on them.

    However, Ms. Sobrang said: “The international community has promised to continue support.” Such funding is essential if the shelters are to survive. Ms. Naderi relies on generous funding from USA government, which accounts for close to 90 % o her budget. The balance is raised from private, mostly foreign donors.

    The women inside the halfway house understand the risks they would face if they had to leave. “I cannot go anywhere alone,” said Mariam, 22 who escaped an abusive Taliban husband and fled to the shelter. “Everybody likes to have their freedom, but I cannot have mine.”

    Watching Turkish soap operas at night in the shelter run by Women for Afghan Women in Kabul. The shelter is one of about 20 that over the last decade have protected several thousand women across Afghanistan from abuse or death at the hands of their relatives.© Lynsey Addario for The New York Times Watching Turkish soap operas at night in the shelter run by Women for Afghan Women in Kabul. The shelter is one of about 20 that over the last decade have…Inescapable Fear

    In the end, Faheema was able to leave the shelter, with the help of a lawyer provided by Women for Afghan Women. After four or five months, a court recognized her marriage to her husband, Ajmal, and the attorney general ordered her to live with him in Kabul.

    But it is not exactly a happy ending.

    Although they are in love,, they live in terror of being cornered by a member of Faheema’s family and being beaten or killed. They live in poverty because Ajmal had to shutter his shop in their hometown, Ghazni, and cannot go there for fear of being killed. He has no money to start a new business.

    A thin young man who wears Western clothes and, in keeping with more modern Afghan ways, does not have a beard, Ajmal comes across as serious and anxious.

    “We live in fear and in hiding,” he said. Three times a day, when he goes out to buy a long loaf of Afghan bread, he finds himself looking around nervously to see if any of Faheema’s family is lying in wait for him.

    He worries all the time about his widowed mother and two sisters, who still live in Ghazni. When he had his small cosmetics shop there, he contributed to supporting the family. But now, only his widowed mother’s meager income as a tailor helps feed the family.

    None of this has weakened the couple’s resolve to be together, but it weighs on them because in Afghanistan, to not be able to go home is to be an outcast, almost an orphan.

    Faheema tried to make peace between their two families and braved a phone call with her angry father to beg him to meet with elders from Ajmal’s clan. But her father refused to see them and said the only thing that would satisfy him is if they gave him a daughter to marry off to his son or nephew in exchange for Ajmal’s taking Faheema.

    Despite the hardship, Faheema hopes her sisters and cousins will have the courage to demand that their families ask permission before making plans to marry them off. She wishes that her father had respected her enough to ask her. “My message to my father is that he should ask his children first before making any decision for their lives,” she said, wistfully.

    In the cold Kabul winter, as they prepared to return to their small, damp apartment, which is all they can afford, Faheema said she had one more wish.

    “Take us out o Afghanistan,” she said,

    “because we won’t beable to have a quiet life here.”




  • ( shortcut o ) 4:13 am on March 2, 2015 Permalink |
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    10 signs that【USA】housing market will b keepin’ boomin’ 

    10 signs the housing market will keep booming


  • ( shortcut o ) 6:41 am on February 25, 2015 Permalink |

    【the second time(再殺18人), in just a week】

  • ( shortcut o ) 5:50 am on February 25, 2015 Permalink |
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    FED’S JANET YELLEN :: 加息近 

    2015年 02月 25日 07:40 美聯儲主席耶倫:加息時機臨近



    美國聯邦儲備委員會(Federal Reserve,簡稱:美聯儲)主席

    耶倫(Janet Yellen)尋求為今年稍後開始加息  奠定 根基




    各方面衡量的美國就業情況 一直 改善






























    改變前瞻指引將讓加息議題 在之後 幾次 政策會議中浮上討論台面。














      ::美聯儲 將在 經濟數據顯示通脹率有望於中期回升至2%目標時










    經濟活動可能因為海外央行的寬鬆措施而表現的比預期 更勁

    全球油價下跌也有望對全球經濟增長提供比預期    更多的助力。



    汽油價格下滑將為美國消費者提供 顯著 好處

    Jon Hilsenrath


    • ( shortcut o ) 6:26 am on February 25, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      what i’v just been learning from hk’s mass media【hkatv,etc un_expectingly including】,
      ^ARE in 100 % opposite to
      ^the report here

      i.e.:: all hk’s mass media , … u couldnt learn any sort o such report

      i.e.:: all hk’s mass media , … may have all been bein manupulated by realestate tycoons


    • ( shortcut o ) 6:29 am on February 25, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      allmost all hk’s mass media , …
      have all been bein {eagle’like} eager to unload their【too many】stocks o apartments

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